0x1A Security Violation Fix

If you see this screen, your unit is likely affected by a bug in an update to grub (grub2 version 2.0.2- which was available to CineSend servers that auto-updated in a specific 48-hour period during the month of December 2022. The bug has since been patched. If you see this screen, it means that your machine received the bad update, and was rebooted or shut down in the brief window between when the bug was present and when it was fixed.

The steps to resolve this issue are below.

  1. Press okay on the screen above. You will then see a screen that says "Shim UEFI key management"; press any key within 10s to progress to the next screen.
  2. Select the "Enroll hash from disk" option and press enter
  3. There should only be one option on this next screen. If there are others, remove all external hard drives, USB sticks and CRU drives. and reboot and redo the first steps to get back to this screen. If that does not leave you with one option, choose the one that best resembles the one shown below.

  4.  If you selected the correct option here (there should only have been one) you should see a screen that says "EFI/" in the middle. Next, select the following options with the enter and arrow keys to navigate to the correct directory and file. YOU SHOULD BE NAVIGATING TO EFI/centos/grubx64.efi IGNORE ALL OTHER OPTIONS NOT MENTIONED BELOW.
  5. EFI/ 
  6. centos/
  7. grubx64.efi
  8. continue
  9. yes
  10. reboot