Barco Ingest Setup (ICMP)

To add the CSX to your Barco ICMP server, you will first to access the Barco Communicator application.

Under Navigation, select Media Server, Installation, and then look for a tab at the bottom called Server Settings.

From there, select Add Device (1) and this will open a new window (2).

Type CSX in the Server Name (3) and select FTP under Protocol (4). You will require a Hostname/IP (5), Login (6) and Password (7) to complete this step, and this information is provided by CineSend. After these fields are filled in, select OK (11).

If you wish to conduct a quick test, select the newly added device from your Server Settings and select Test. A test overview window is displayed, indicating the status and the response.

You can now ingest content from the CSX receiver. Once you receive content, open your Commander program, select the Ingest module, then the Storage tab (1). Select CSX from source pull down list (2). If you do not see any content appearing in the available content below (3), press the refresh tab (4). You can then select the content you wish to ingest.